Wednesday, August 20, 2014


First thing's first, if you happen to NOT know who Hannah Hart is, then I suggest you educate yourself promptly. Go forth, and come back a wiser internet user. 

She's awesome right? Okay, now that you'll appreciate this ten times more, here's the rest of the post.

I was on a trip to NYC last week, and the stars were definitely aligned, because I was subject to the most fortuitous occurrence that there ever was. (OK perhaps not ever ever, but it was amazing nonetheless) It just so happened that I was in New York City the day that Hannah Hart’s debut book , My Drunk Kitchen: a Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going With Your Gut, was released. I was aware of this because she’s been talking about this book for what seems to be forever, and I was getting very used to the cover being the backdrop to her videos. However, I had kind of stashed the information in the back of my mind and planned to buy the book when it came out!

So here I was, on vacation in New York City. The day prior to the book signing, I saw briefly on Twitter that Hannah was in New York as well. My sister and I are both big fans of hers, and we were both blown away by the fact that we were in the same city at the same time as Hannah Hart. We live in up Toronto and it’s not often that YouTubers, or even authors in general, come up here for book signings, especially not book launches (unless they’re Canadian, of course). I didn’t know that she was doing the signing however until the following evening, when I was in my hotel room scrolling through Instagram and saw her announcement about the release. We were kind of late to the party because it was 6:30 and the signing started at 7:00. BUT we made our way down there and got in line.
In line with Hannah in the background
I was SO nervous because we were the very end of the line for the longest time, and even at the end, there had to have been no more than 10 people behind us. I was worried that the signing was going to end and that we wouldn’t get to meet her. Just then, a staff member of the bookstore came out and told us that Hannah’s publicist had announced that she (Hannah) would sign ALL the books and that they would certainly get to us. I was so relieved (I perhaps even, stereotypically, let out a ‘breath I didn’t know I was holding!) So we waited in line for about an hour and 45 minutes and we got to have our books signed! As I said earlier, my sister and I were one of the last people in line. My mom and I were estimating that there were probable about 400-500 people that went through there that night…. That’s a LOT of books to sign. But regardless of how many books she signed, Hannah Hart was SO kind to us when we went up to have our books signed; she started off by introducing herself! We got our books signed and took a picture with her, and even joked about how we hate fruit salad as well (I had been reading her book in line, and there was a reference to how weird/gross fruit salad is. No offence if you really like it, I just do not.)

Myself, Hannah Hart, and my sister (also named Hannah)

Overall, it was a super cool event, and I was BLOWN AWAY by the amount of people that were there. That’s really what I wanted to talk about when I decided to write this post. The amount of books that she sold that night, and the amount of people that went to see her, were incredible. I was so proud for her accomplishments as a new author, because that has got to be the most incredible feeling ever.

My signed copy!

So here I am to say: GO BUY HANNAH’S BOOK. I’ve read it, and I loved it so so much. I am hoping to write a review on it, because I want to get the word out about the book. It was hilarious, genuine, and HARTfelt. (I had to… just once…)

If you’ve read MDK or plan to, leave a comment below!

Read On,

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