Friday, July 25, 2014


HELLO LOVELY READERS! BookTube-a-Thon 2014 has come to a close, and I had so much fun!  It was a crazy week, and I stayed up WAY to late, but it was all for the love of reading. I was able to complete lots of the challenges, and I read lots of great books. The video challenges that each host picked out were really fun, and even though I only did one, I had a great time doing it. I participated in lots of the twitter sprints (mostly the late night ones) and those really helped me finish my books! Speaking of the books I read, lets see what they were, shall we?

I was able to complete 5 challenges last week, and I read 5 books! I am so proud of myself, because last year, I don't think I completed ANY. The challenges I was able to complete were....

1+4. Read a book with pictures,
and one that somebody else picks out for you
3. Read a book with red on the cover

5. A book from the genre you've read the least of this year

6. A book to movie adaptation

Those were all the books I was able to read that completed the challenges. I was able to read one extra book for fun, and that was Lola and The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. I am SO glad I decided to pick that book up. I started reading it after I had finished The Knife of Never Letting Go, because that was such a serious and somber book, that I needed a break before I continued the series. Lola was PERFECT for that.

The number of pages that I read last week was..... 1,785!!!! It was not 300 pages a day, but that's a LOT of pages.

Overall, I definitely think I won this BookTube-A-Thon thing, because I had fun and completed lots of challenges. Because this was in the spirit of BookTube, I've decided to film a video companion to this post as a little bonus! It would be awesome if you'd check that out too, and subscribe to my YouTube channel! I plan on making more videos soon!

Thank you SO much for reading/watching! Leave me a comment below, or on my video, telling me how YOUR BookTube-A-Thon went! How many books did YOU read? Some of you read a lot more than me! How many challenges did you complete? All 7? That's impressive.

Read On,

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