Week one's theme was Fantastic Fictitious Firsts!
During week one, I reviewed The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, I did the My First Tine (in Books) Tag, and I reviewed The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. The reason that I chose this theme was to promote some awesome series by reviewing the first book in that series. I hope that you've now all considered reading The Raven Boys series and The Chaos Walking trilogy! Here's my link to that week's wrap up. You'll find all my posts from week one there.
Week Two's theme was Sensational Stand Alones. During week two, I reviewed Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, I did a list of My Top 15 Stand Alone Books, and I did a joint 'review' (more of a rambling post) about Stephanie Perkins' Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. I can really appreciate the talent that it takes to create an amazing story within the numbered pages, so week two was to promote and talk about some of my favourite examples of such. Week Two's Wrap-Up
Week Three's theme was Creative Collaborations. I discussed my new found love for collaborations, and did a review of Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithand and John Green. I also created a brand new tag video called The Cool Collabs Book Tag where you're asked a series based on collaborative novels and authors. Here's week three's wrap up.
And finally, week four's theme was Appreciating Authors. I wanted to really put the spotlight on the creator of the amazing stories that we read, and I decided that this would be the way to do it. The first post that I did was a little story about how I got to meet Hannah Hart while I was in New York City. I chose to talk about this experience because Hannah is new to this whole 'author thing' and I thought it'd be a good way to promote her book (which is fantastic, by the way). The second post that I did was the most 'legitimate' post that I've done so far, and that was a list of The Top 5 Ways Readers Can Appreciate Authors. I asked a bunch of authors if they'd be willing to be a part of this post, and lots of them gave me some amazing advice. I encourage you to check out this post and show those authors some love. I didn't do a wrap up for last week because I knew I was already writing this. Two bird, one stone. So here's the post about meeting Hannah Hart, and here's the one about Appreciating Authors.
I would sincerely like to that each and every person who is reading this right now for coming to my blog. Awesome August was a real test for me to see if I could honestly keep up with myself, and I am so proud of what it turned out to be. I would also like to personally thank everyone who has stuck with Awesome August from the first week, or even who caught up with it as it perpetuated. You are the reason that I kept up with this week after week. If you've been reading Awesome August for any amount of time, please leave me a comment below, because I want to know who you are, and thank you by name.
Alright so that was mega gushy, ew. (but actually not ew because I love the world.)
Anyways, just a little note: as I mentioned earlier, I am heading back to school next week. Oh my goodness, how the time flies. It's going to take a few days to get back into the swing of having something manditory to do every day, along with the homework that will come. SO, this being said, I will have a post up coming soon about what this year is going to look like for my blog. I am hoping to have a schedule to follow, wit guaranteed posts on at least those days, and perhaps some bonus ones for fun.
Thank you for sticking around. You rock my socks.
Read on,
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